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  • Writer's pictureEmerald Boyd

Summer Bucket List Teachers Edition

I love teaching...but I really love summer. Olaf had it right when he said he always loved the idea of summer, and Sun and all things hot!

This school year has been one of the hardest I have ever experienced. Kids forgot how to school and everyone was on edge. Which is why I promised myself I would enjoy this summer and recharge and do things that bring me joy. (While trying to maintain a teacher summer budget.)

So here is my teacher summer bucket list:

  • Visit somewhere new in your town (AKA be a tourist in your own town!)

Multiple people in coffee shop

I love to try out new places and things! I live in a beach town so luckily there are a ton of options to go try something new. My goal is to go to the local Battleship and to find a new favorite coffee shop.

  • Read something for fun. One rule: non-educational related

Girl reading in bed with coffee

I neglect reading for fun in the school year. So read a fun summer book. This is not the time for more professional development. I mean it.

I have already read a fun one this summer. The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix was super entertaining (if you need a recommendation).

  • Take a road trip

Get out of town and enjoy a day somewhere different. I have been known to road trip to a popular taco stand every now and again (read monthly). Check out a historical site, visit a friend you haven't seen recently, go to lunch in a town where you won't run into students and their parents.

  • Make a new recipe

Food or beverage (healthy or alcoholic, your choice). I'm not going to lie, I'm cheating on the no school related stuff on this one...I've been making new iced coffee recipes for our school coffee shop, but I really want to try some new recipes for dinner. If you have any that you love send them my way!

  • Try a new hobby

Always wanted to take up adult hip-hop? Try a ceramics class? Bake sourdough bread? Summer is a great time to explore hobbies and find something to do for yourself. Also, just a do not have to be good at your hobbies. You just need to enjoy them.

  • Have a picnic

Spend some quality time with your significant other, your family or your self. Bring some good food (and maybe some bug spray) and enjoy the outdoors. I don't know about you, but I need quality time with myself and love to eat, so a picnic is one of my favorite activities.

Last, but definitely not least...

  • Drink your coffee at the temperature it was served!

No watered down iced coffee. No lukewarm hot coffee. Summer is the time to drink the coffee right after it is made and enjoy every second of it.

Teacher summer bucket list social media list

That's the bucket list. Mainly summer is a change to refresh and recharge because it has been a tough few years to be an educator.

Make sure you are doing something for you this summer. As teachers we want to give all the time, but that is exhausting.

Download the bucket list above and share your summer adventures on Instagram! Tag me @thespeducation so I can check out what you are up to!

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